Planning to start Surfing? There is specific equipment like the surfboard, leash, fins, wetsuit, etc., that you need to have in order to do Surfing. Choosing the right fit for yourself can be difficult for the first time. You need to take care of specific criteria. This article will help you to choose the perfect surfboard for yourself.
Surfing is the most popular water sport. It is riding the waves in the sea or the ocean on a surfboard. Many people have started practicing Surfing as a hobby rather than just an entertainment activity. It is also becoming an attraction in many tourist places. However, you need to have the skill of balance and endurance to try out the sport.
The surf season is generally during the winter months; however, it can change with the locations. The tides and waves are essential for Surfing. Mostly, surfers prefer doing this sport at dawn or dusk.
Australia, California, Hawaii, Peru, etc., are well-known and preferred destinations by surfers. Its popularity is also increasing in other countries, making it a widespread water sport among tourists. Even in countries like Switzerland, which is landlocked, people have found ways to surf. The locals practice river surfing in Switzerland. They have built wave pools for the sport.
In order to do the sport, you need to be well versed in techniques, as well as have the right equipment. Its starts from the very fundamental need that is the surfboard. There are some common mistakes that people make while choosing one for the first time. Here, you will know what mistakes you should avoid.
Mistakes That You Must Avoid While Choosing Surfboard

These are seven mistakes that are often seen while buying a surfboard. You must learn from this and avoid making the same mistakes while choosing the board.
1. Buying The Wrong Size Of The Board
It is one of the most common mistakes made by consumers. They often tend to buy the wrong size board, either too small or too big. The smaller surfboard is unstable and invariable, and if you are a beginner, it will be challenging to maintain balance and use the board.
When it comes to surfboards, there is an understanding that the bigger, the better for beginners. However, it is up to a specific limit. A very big board in comparison to your height will be no good, and you will have difficulty moving the board itself. It can also be hazardous because of the incapability to control the board. Thus, when buying for the first time, you should buy the perfect board size, neither too small nor too big.
2. Doing The One Size Fits All Approach For The Board.
Generally, when people are learning in a group, they want to buy common boards among themselves. This is because they may not be sure how often they will practice the sport, which also saves a lot of money. However, this won’t work unless all the people are of the same size and at the same level of ability. Thus, do not take the one size fits for all approach. It will also get boring to share a single board among four people. It will lengthen the learning process as well.
3. Not Buying The Board You Used For The Lessons.

The best way to learn Surfing is to take up lessons. You get expert guidance, where they also recommend what size and kind of board is perfect for you. You must remember all that information so that it becomes easier to buy the same board. If you buy a similar board, it becomes easier for you to get the hang, rather than a completely different type and size of the board. Try to buy surfboards similar to that you used for learning and training if you are buying them for the first time.
4. Buying The Wrong Fins
Just as the same size of the board does not suit all, the same fins don’t suit all boards. There are a variety of fin boxes available in the market. The fins that you buy must fit your board. Otherwise, it will be very disappointing going on a surf trip only to find out that the fins are fitting the board. So, make sure to check if the fins match your board or vice versa. It depends on what you buy first.
5. Buying A Cheaper Board Just To Save Money

Although everyone prefers buying things if they are available cheaper, it cannot always be safe to do so, particularly when it comes to surfboards. Surfing is an adventurous water sport, and safety and accessibility are all that matter. There are cheap second-hand boards available in the market, but again they are cheap for a reason; they may be damaged or not of good quality. Thus, refrain from going for the cheaper-than-usual boards.
6. Forgetting The Extras With The Boards
Buying a board is not enough. You need a lot of other things to use the board and maintain it. Most importantly, fins that ideally the board. Along with that, you also need to make sure to buy the wax that prevents surfers from slipping off the board. Without these extras, the board will be of no use.
7. Shifting To Advanced Boards

This mistake is bound to happen; a slight improvement in performance and praise can make you feel confident. However, don’t get carried away and buy boards that are higher than your capability. You won’t be able to develop your skills if you are not able to use them. Thus, avoid buying the shorter boards that you are not ready for.
Shopping for a surfboard can be very exciting. However, it is required to be aware of the sports and the requirements before you buy any equipment. You need to do thorough research about all the equipment and what exactly is needed. It is the culmination of all the above-discussed points. If you do proper research as well as an analysis of your abilities, you will not make any mistakes while choosing a surfboard or may it be any other thing.